Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Winter Woes

Peter complained today that he was cold walking home ... in 5 degree Celsius weather. Meanwhile, here in Ottawa it was -42 with the windchill ... decidedly more chilly. As a result, I feel the need to relay the following story, purely for its entertainement value as I feel that many of you (ok, all of you) will find it quite amusing ...

When I got home from school today, around 5:30, I decided to take Fletch for a walk since I was already all bundled up from the trip home...we walked down the street and around the playground and into the park where I let him off his leash to run around for a bit. He ran over to where the doggie play group meets (they weren't there at the time) and was sniffing etc while I started to walk towards the sidewalk to leave. I turned around and noticed that he was having a poo, so I had to untie the bag from his leash and walk over to where he was ... as I was getting the bag organized to pick up the poo, the wind whipped it out of my hand - I had already leashed Fletch by this point - so, I start off running to catch the bag because I didn't have another one ... Fletch thought that we were playing a running game and started running also ... meanwhile, I am concentrating on the bag and not the fact that he was running really fast and would soon be at the end of the leash. Well, I caught the bag, and just as I did I was pulled down and got a nice facewash in the snow....it was awesome. Except, not really because I'm pretty sure that at least one family saw through their window since their dog was barking at us, and, oh yeah, its -42 out! So, getting a facewash is not the most pleasant thing. My face is still stingy ; (

I hope you all enjoyed laughing at my expense ... I'm sure looking back, I will also find this story amusing.


Heather said...

I'm sorry...but I totally had a good laugh at your expense ;) You're awesome! Are you sure you don't want to stay in this insanely cold Ottawa weather?!

Team PM said...

That's okay, I was in the mood to make people feel amused that day .. and now that its over and my face is no longer stingy I find it really amusing also : )