Thursday, July 12, 2007

Gliding at Upavon

Last night Peter and I went gliding - he had gone already on Monday night and Wednesday night was family night. There weren't very many people there so I was able to go up twice - it was lots of fun! The first time was a bit breathtaking ... because there is only a 100 ft. runway the glider has a really steep ascent to get to the desired elevation .... so it was a bit scary and fast at first, and then as soon as the winch gets dropped the glider levels off and you glide. It was really scenic and I could see the windy River Avon for miles! I landed, and then immediately went up the second time.

Peter went after I did and his pilot asked him how he felt about acrobatics! He of course said he was fine with it and off they went into about 4 loops!! Apparently they pulled 4 G on one of the loops which is quite impressive considering there is no engine and its powered by just wind. Anyway, everyone on the ground was gasping as we wathced Peter's glider looping around all over the place, and then taking a crazy turn to come in for the landing ... glad I didn't have that pilot!

Team PM

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