After the post I made yesterday I took Ainsley & Olivia to the Provincial Park for a little walk. It was chilly out, but sunny too. I took a few pictures of them as they walked; we headed down to a little lookout spot where there are beaver huts and lots of birds. This spot is also adjacent to the beach ... which Ainsley saw ... and headed towards. I walked down to the water's edge with her and we looked at the water, but she wanted to go IN! Of course, I had to pull her away, and she got upset and threw a mini tantrum.
So - back up the hill we went (Ainsley in my arms!) Once at the top, Ainsley spotted a staircase which heads back down to the water - and made a beeline for it! She thought she had outsmarted me ... but I was hot on her heels because: 1. I didn't want her to slip on the snowy steps and fall AND 2. I didn't want her in the water and that point had to be made clear!
I eventually lured her away with the promise of going down the slides, which we hadn't done yet (good move Mommy - save the slides until last!) She was excited at this prospect and gladly headed in that direction. I did keep my eye on her because she would turn around and head the other way after I stopped watching her if she had it in her mind to do so ... maybe kinda strong willed ?? But, she was pretty intent on the slides now.
We got back to the playground, I put her up on the platform and then climbed down so I could snap a picture of her coming down the slide - you see, I already had this blog posting in mind and I thought the smiling picture would be perfect to cap off the chronology of this story : ) As you will notice - such a picture does not exist. Ainsley is normally fine at getting on to the slide on her own, sitting down and sliding away. BUT .. the play structure was a bit slippery, so while she was attempting to sit down, she slipped and came down the slide on her tummy head first - and had a nice face wash in a bit of accumulated snow at the bottom.
AND, play time OVER. She was not happy about this turn of events, thankfully I was there to catch her and home we went ; )
I know you're thinking that it looks chilly from these pictures and poor us in Cold Lake. But, don't despair for us yet. I've learned that Cold Lake (regardless of season) is just a continuous cycle of warm spells and cold spells ... we are currently in a cold spell ... well, we were in a cold spell. Today we are heading up to 11 degrees and tomorrow 14!! So .. pretty sure all that snow that fell last weekend will be gone soon enough - actually most of it is already gone as the temperature started rising yesterday : )
Team PM & Ainsley